U slučaju reklamacije, oštećenja prilikom dostave, pogreške kod prijenosa podataka ili nekog drugog nedostatka, molimo Vas da nam se javite u roku od dva radna dana od primitka pošiljke. Kupac je dužan uputiti reklamaciju e-mailom na nativa.croatia@gmail.com ili telefonski na mobitel 0911530727.
Pravo na reklamaciju korisnik sječe ako:
- roba nije isporučena po uputama iz narudžbe
- isporučena roba ne odgovara standardima
- je došlo do oštećenja prilikom isporuke
Sve navedene pritužbe riješit ćemo u dogovoru s naručiteljem, odnosno primateljem robe.
Važeće reklamacije odnose se na krivo poslane proizvode, proizvode kojima je istekao rok trajanja, manjkove i sl.
Kupac ima pravo odustati od narudžbe i bez valjanog razloga. U tom slučaju robu vraća natrag pošiljatelju o svom trošku, a eventualna uplata za naručene proizvode mu se isplaćuje natrag.
In case of complaints, shipping damage, data errors during transition or some other defects, please contact us within two working days of receiving the shipment. The buyer is obliged to make a complaint by e-mail to nativa.croatia@gmail.com or mobile number 0911530727.
Customer gets the right to complaint if:
- the products are not delivered under the order directions
- delivered goods does not match standards
- there was damage during delivery
All these complaints can be solved in cosultation with the client or recipient.
Valid complaints are related to misdirected products, products with expired date, deficits etc.
The customer also has the right to cancel the order with no specific reason. In that case he must return the goods to the sender at his own expense, while his payment for ordered products will be returned.